Part of the Lore and Saga family of web sitesBushcraft and wilderness skills with Gary Waidson
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Wine Skin - ©  Gary Waidson - Ravenlore Bushcraft and Wilderness skills.

Wine Skin.

I don’t mind admitting that I enjoy a little drink when outdoor with  friends. It is that Spirit of the campfire that has been written about  by  so many outdoors men that is one of the reasons I enjoy going to meet ups organised by Bushcraft UK and the like.

Well I like a drop of wine when I'm out but don't fancy carrying glass  bottles about with me. Remember anything carried out needs to be brought back as well. Littering or old fashioned ideas like burying your  rubbish are just not an option in our modern world.

So this  is what I came up with a while back. It unlaces at the top right just  wide enough to slip a full 3 Litre bag from the inside of one of those  wine boxes you buy at the supermarket. The tap then pushes though the  notched ring.

It’s then hung on a handy tree or even a stick just poked into the ground.

Of course, It does not have to be a full bag if I’m carrying it any distance.

I hope I don’t have to say that once the alcohol comes out in the  evening, all knives and axes should already have been packed away. In  fact it is good practice to make sure all  cutting jobs have been completed before darkness. See the safety notes for more details.

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Bushcraft and wilderness skills should always be practised with respect for the environment and other users of the outdoors. Leave No Trace.

All text, images and artwork on this site are the property of Gary Waidson and protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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