Bottle Lamp. As a kid I was a great fan of the Wombles. As an adult I still like to see a bit of Wombling and this was an idea
that I was given at a Winter meet up in Scotland. Firstly you need to cut the base out of a 2 litre milk bottle. Other sizes can be used but the 1 litre ones are a bit small and leave the candle flame a bit too close to the plastic. Next, cut a cross in the plastic cap that does not quite come to the edges. You should now be able to push a candle through the cross and the points of the cross will grip the candle quite firmly. Now tie the bottle, through the handle, to
a convenient tree or post. Light the candle and screw the cap back onto the bottle with the candle inside. Adjust the candle position to ensure the flame is clear of the plastic bottle. |